How To Fix Error DX11 Feature Level 10.0

When trying to play Fortnite (or a game such as PUBG or ARK), it is not uncommon to receive the following message:

DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine

If you get this message, there is no need to panic. It likely means that either your computer has an outdated version of DirectX or you have some kind of graphics card issue. 

To fix the problem, do the following

1. Restart Your Computer and the Game

Sometimes strange things happen to computers. So, the first thing you should always try is rebooting your computer. Then, try to run the game again.

2. Install Any Updates to the Game and to Windows

Epic Games and other game developers often release updates and patches to their games. Check to see if there is an update available for the game at the site where you downloaded it.

How To Fix Error DX11 Feature Level 10.0

If there is, install it and following any subsequent instructions, such as rebooting your computer.

You may also want to update Windows if there are any updates waiting to be installed.

3. Install or Update Your Graphics Card Driver

Sometimes a missing, corrupted or out-of-date graphics card driver can cause the DX11 error message. To update the graphics card driver in Windows 10, do the following:

  1. Click the Start button, and in the search bar type Device Manager, and then select this from the list of options.
  2. Expland the Display adapters category, right-click the name of your graphics card and choose Update Driver.
  3. Choose Search automatically for updated driver software.
  4. If no driver is found, you can search for one on the website of the graphics card's manufacturer, and then follow its instructions for installing it.

If for some reason updating the driver does not work, you can try reinstalling the driver by doing the following:

  1. Like in the previous steps, open the Device Manager and right-click on the name of the graphics card.
  2. Choose Uninstall.
  3. Restart your computer, and Windows will attempt to reinstall the graphics card driver.

4. Install the Latest Version of DirectX

DirectX is a Windows API that lets you run 3D software on your computer. Often Microsoft updates this API and game developers such as Epic Games make use of the changes to improve their games.

Because of this, you need to periodically update your version of DirectX.

To check what version of DirectX your computer is using, click the Windows key and the R key at the same time. This will open the Run dialog box, and from there you should type dxdiag and click OK.

This will open the DirectX Diagonsis Tool.

On the System tab, you will see the verion of DirectX installed on your computer, and from the Display tab you will see the Feature Levels installed. To run Fortnite, you need to have at least DX11 and feature levels 10.0 installed. 

If you have an older version of DirectX, you need to download and install the latest version of DirectX.

Sometimes you may not be able to update DirectX to the proper version, because your operating system is too old. In this case you must install a newer version of Windows on your computer or buy a newer computer.

You may also learn during the updating of DirectX that your graphics card is too old to support the latest version of DirectX. In this case, you must install a newer graphics card in your computer.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, receiving a DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine error is not fatal. You can usually get your game running by updating your computer's software and drivers.

In the very worst case, you may have upgrade your version of Windows or get a new graphics card.

45 thoughts on “How To Fix Error DX11 Feature Level 10.0

  1. I’m already trying everything I can find on the internet to solve the “DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine” problem. I have windows 10 and when running DxDiag then it shows that windows has DX12 and that the video card supports feature level 10. Also tried the steps in this article already several times but I always get this error. I’m totally out of ideas. Anyone any suggestion?

    1. what i did was go to the epic games launcher then went to library and went to fortnite and pressed on the 3 dots on the same line and pressed verify

  2. None of these solutions works. Updating with latest platform update, and latest video card drivers, does not work, you’re still at DirecX 11.0

    Epic, if you’re listening, if you don’t support Windows 7, we aren’t going to play your games.

  3. The same problem ☹️ is here please help some one to solve ☹️, my what’s app 923005272304,
    I’m already trying everything I can find on the internet to solve the “DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine” problem. I have windows 10 and when running DxDiag then it shows that windows has DX12 and that the video card supports feature level 10. Also tried the steps in this article already several times but I always get this error. I’m totally out of ideas. Anyone any suggestion?

  4. Doesnt work even on Win10 latest updade, DirectX 12 & latest update (with Level 10 included), on hi-end lappy with hi-end graphic… Now, its Epic´s turn…

  5. see here is my issue it says i have DirectX 12 levels 10_1 and 10_0 and other versions but it still isnt working. I would love it if you could help me right now.

  6. win10, dx12, highend desktop, does not work with fortnite.
    wifeys shitty laptop runs fortnight although in extremely crap graphics.

  7. I am facing the same problem

    1. I am trying to run Fortnite – Epicgames
    2. I am using I7, 16 GB RAM, Intel grahics card
    3. I have updated windows 10 to the latest
    4. Graphics card is updated to the latest one
    5. dxdiag shows version 12 and features 10_0 (display tab)

    what should be done to resolve the issue

    1. I have updated windows 10 to the latest
    2. Graphics card is updated to the latest one
    3. dxdiag shows version 12 and features 10_0 (display tab)

  9. i downloaded valorant yesterday and i did anything that it said during the download i updated everything but it still says that error plz help Thx

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